Monthly Archives: October 2013

Kristin’s Garden


Kristin was inspired to take action because was all the past experiences with her older boy, who was in and out of jail and didn’t understand why should would want to help people.

If Kristin would have listened to her brother, and let him discourage her, Kristin might have been able to create such a great program for troubled youth. She impacted many lives and luckily continues to do so. She has changed the mind of many kids and turned their outlook on life.

I believe Kristen displayed leadership qualities as bravery, confidence, independence, and creativity. 

Last Thursday I was faced with a problem. There was the last regular season football game in Faulkton, but I had four test the next day. I could either go to the game and study a little when I got home, or stay home from the game and study very well. I decided to make the responsible decision and stay home and study. It all payed off in the end though, I passed all my tests with good grades!

Current Event 10/25/13


Can you imagine having everything you know, and have lived with your entire life is ruined and destroyed after one freak winter storm? Farmers in Western South Dakota were thinking this after the catastrophic winter storm that took place about two weeks ago. This blizzard caused the loss of about 100,000 head of cattle to die. They were buried under all the snow. Some farmers lost almost half their entire herd in this storm. One of the ranchers compared his loss in money by saying it was buying a new pickup, driving it off a cliff, and still having to make payments. There was dead cattle everywhere. Some were found floated downstream and this spread the fear of diseases. If the major loss of cattle wasn’t enough, farmers and ranchers were faced with an emotional burden. “The state’s congressional delegation has also vowed to push ahead for quick passage of the stalled farm bill to provide immediate financial relief to ranchers.” 

The sad part is that none of this could have been helped. It’s not like we have the power to control the weather. The ranchers  in Western South Dakota have a long, difficult journey ahead of them. Hopefully they will receive the help they need and deserve, 

Above Average.


Nobody is average. Everyone has something about that makes them special. I like to focus on others strengths, instead of my own. But if I had to name three of my own strengths one would be, making other feel included. I know what it feels like to be felt out, and to be made to feel dumb, so I really try not to do that together’s. If it is simply complementing them, or starting a convocation with them. I think it feels good to make other feel great about themselves. 

Another strength I feel I have is, using my time wisely during school. This may sound like a stupid strength, but it is actually very good to have! I always try to get all my work done during school, so I do not have to worry about it after school. I am so busy all the time with school, homework, and volleyball practice that I like to get it done when I can.

Finally, my last strength I feel I have is responsibility. The little voice in my head never shuts up. It is always working overtime, which is maybe a good thing I guess. I always have the need to do the right thing, even when I do not want to. 

In the end, everyone has different strengths. It is what makes you, you! 

Government Shut Down 2013


As I’m sure you may know, the government shut down this week for the first time in eighteen years. The reason it had shut down was because Congress wasn’t doing their job and could not agree on a solution. Congress’s key duty in the government is to pass spending bills that fund the government. If this does not happen, everything else comes to a stop. Many federal funded programs were closed and many worked or went home without pay. The reason it took so long for the two parties to decide on an answer was because the Replications wanted to slow funding on Obama-care, but the Democrats did not agree. Neither party was willing to budge. The government is currently still on shut down. Hopefully they can make a decision quickly. Personally I feel that the people that couldn’t make the decision and the head government should be the ones without pay. They sit on their butts, twiddling there thumbs all day, not coming up with answers.  You can see affects all around our own community. People’s parents are without pay, and our own state land and range did not have judges. If the government does not come up with a solution soon, we may be for a world of hurt.


Yan, Holly. “Government Shutdown: Get up to Speed in 20 Questions.” CNN. Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 07 Oct. 2013. <;.