Monthly Archives: March 2013

Kindness for a stranger…


Even the smallest thing to help a stranger is better than nothing. It can be anything from holding a door open for an old lady, to paying for someone’s Christmas layaway at Walmart. One thing I can remember that I did kind for a stranger is, one time I went to Pierre with my family. We went to eat at Pizza Ranch, and like everyone else I went straight for the Desert Pizza! When I was getting some a little girl also came up to get some but she could not reach it, so I helped her get some pizza. It made be feel good when she just looked up at me, smiled, and said thank you and walked away. I know it wasn’t anything big, but I helped a stranger out. When I get older I play on doing larger acts of kindness, such as paying for a strangers layaway or buying their meal in a drive-thru line. 

Low Red Meat Production..


How many of you like to eat meat? Of course you do! Did you know that over 50% of people all around the world eat meat too? But since February the red meat production has been down 20% in South Dakota. The USDA statistic services say that the total amount of red meat produced, which in 80.3 million pounds a month, is down 1% from last year. Pork production is also down, but sheep and lamb has increased. They was a decrease in hog slaughter from last year and so is their live weight. The slaughter of sheep and lamb has remained the same as last year, but their live weight has increased by an average of 5 pounds.



What kind of people do we need more of?


If you ask this question to other people, you would get a hundred different answers. I feel our world and the people in it have become very selfish, greedy people that do not care about anyone else but themselves. No one cares about respect, responsibility, or every kindness anymore. Everyone worries about them self and them self only; they don’t care out the guy standing next to them, and that says a lot about America.

You know the people that perform random acts of kindness? Where they buy your coffee at Starbucks, or anonymously buy your meal in the McDonald’s drive thru. Those are the kind of people I like our world needs more of. They are being kind and caring not because they have to or should, but because they want to.  If people try to cheer each other up and be more positive than negative all the time, there are no limits on what we can achieve.

It is really not that hard to perform an act of kindness for someone if you think about it. I think we should all try to do it more often. Even if it is just throughout our community and not the whole world, at least we know our community is the best place to be.