Monthly Archives: January 2013

Change Over Time…


In 5 years, a lot of things can happen and change. Your appearance  your friends, things you do, sometimes things change in you that you do not even notice. Changes in your life are good, sometimes they may not feel like it at the time, but in the end you make the best out if it and you become a better person.

When you see someone you haven’t seen in a while they may say something like “Gosh! You are just growing like a weed!” As we get older we get taller, we change our looks, and our appearance just changes in general. I know for me personally from elementary to high school I have lost weight, changed my style of clothes, and the way I do my hair. These are the more minor changes in life.

Over time we gain new friends! I know with our new co-op with Gettysburg I have made so many new friends and I love them all to death! They all make my life a lot more interesting, and always know how to put a smile on my face. But I also still have my great friends back at school. We all have so many memories together and I love them all to pieces. Some friends you may over look would be if you had a boyfriend or a girlfriend. If you have one I am sure they have changed your life! I know with my boyfriend, Tyler, he has diffidently  made a difference in my life. A Good One!! He is always there for me when I need someone to talk to, and he even helps me with homework sometimes! He helps me think more positive about things when I am stressed and gets my mind off things. He even teaches me a lot of things about the farm that I did not know before! I am glad to call him mine, and happy to have him in my life!

When you enter high school there are more opportunities. There are more activities and ways to get involved. You can pick what sports you are in, what clubs, and to a certain extent what classes you take. You can change your mind over the years and take different activities. You also met new people this way too. This year I decided to not do basketball this year because I have been so busy with every thing else. I do have to admit, I do miss it a little bit, but I do have a little more time to do my own thing, and get stuff done for school.

Some things in your life that are more personal change who you are. Such as family issues, relationships with other people, or just the regular high school drama. I know for my personally, something that has changed my life has been my family issues. I have not always had a stable family, and I still don’t. It’s all the little things in life that add up and change your life the most.

Impact of the Drought


The severe drought we had this year affected our crops and their prices greatly. Because of the drought there had been a decreased yield in corn, soybeans, and grain feeds. Also because of these decreased amount the prices for these crops have sky rocketed to record levels. The price of wheat and barely have also increased but their yields have not really be affected. In affect of these crops prices being raised so has the production of livestock, dairy, and poultry. The common argue among people and their legislatures if that they should less corn to produce ethanol and then that grain could be used to feed the animals.

I found this article on the Internet written by John Urbanchuck who is the Technical Director for Cardno Entrix. 

Farmers and ranchers feel that the grains aren’t being used the most efficient way; they are in a drought and they would like to see the grain be divided differently. Because of the drought there is less grain, and they need all the grain they can for their animals. 

I feel that more of the grain should go to the ranchers because they have livestock, or dairy, or poultry to produce. We could just cut back a little on ethanol production, but still have it, and i don’t think it would hurt us that bad. While we are in a drought we need to manage the resources we have for now wisely. 

I feel the possible outcome of all this may be that people will see where the ranchers are coming from and go with it their way. Is anything very that easy? No. I’m sure they will have to sacrifice somethings, but for the most part they will get a little bit bigger share of the grain.

Small Acts of Kindness


Helping out someone even in a small way my not seem like a big deal to you, but it really does mean a lot to someone else. This weekend I came into a little pinch and wasn’t going to be able to cover my work shift at the Prairie Stop. Autumn, my sister, works at the Prairie Stop also. She heard I was looking for someone to cover my shift and she told me she could go in and work for me. I was surprised she actually told me she would help me out, because Autumn and I don’t always get along. So when Autumn told me she had it covered, I was very happy. 

My sibling are always helping me out in small ways. Whether its helping me clean my room, making my bed, or helping me with laundry, they are always eager to help me. There are ways I could return the favor back to them too. For Autumn I could help her out at the Prairie Stop if she ever needs me too. April helps me out a lot too; her and I are really close. I can help April make her bed, or help her clean her room. When it come to my brothers, if I will just play farm with them for an hour they will be perfectly content.

Helping people feels good when you are done. Seeing the reaction on their face is all worth it.